mLabs DashGoo Customer Support Center

Marketing report within mLabs DashGoo with open customer support modal on top.

We’re ready to help! Choose one of our support channels on this page.

Marketing report within mLabs DashGoo with open customer support modal on top.
Search field in mLabs DashGoo's FAQ open.

mLabs DashGoo Help Center

Here you will find articles with step-by-step processes for each mLabs DashGoo feature.

mLabs DashGoo Help Center

Search field in mLabs DashGoo's FAQ open.

Here you will find articles with step-by-step processes for each mLabs DashGoo feature.

Service and Ombudsman

Need to talk to us?
Fill out this form to contact:

Service and Ombudsman

Need to talk to us?
Fill out this form to contact:


Service and Support

Here you will be answered by experts on the platform! Whether you're a client or a tester, we'll help you connect your channels, create reports, dashboards and more!



Need to customize your package or want to negotiate your subscription? This is the option to talk to our commercial team! We have a package for you, with the best bang for your buck!



Do you have a major problem that hasn't been solved yet? This is the place to talk about it! We are committed to finding a solution for you!

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I want to talk to:(Required)

Are you already a customer? We are waiting for you in the chat, inside mLabs DashGoo.

Chat service screen happening inside mLabs Dashgoo.
Chat service screen happening inside mLabs Dashgoo.